26 de nov de 20201 min

Participação do inctAmbTropicII no PGGM

Saiu agora em novembro o número especial da Geo-Marine Letters, comemorativo dos 50 anos do PGGM (Programa de Geologia e Geofísica Marinha). Este número especial reune 23 trabalhos de pesquisadores brasileiros principalmente na área da geologia e geofísica marinha. Oito destes trabalhos são contribuições dos GTs 1.1 e 2.1 do inctAmbTropic. Os trabalhos e respectivos links encontram-se listados abaixo:

Shallow sedimentation of Natal shelf and coastal erosion implications, NE Brazil


Structural controls on the morphology of an extremely narrow, low-accommodation, passive margin shelf (Eastern Brazil)


Organic matter in the deltaic clinoform of the São Francisco River (Eastern Brazil)


Quantifying the high coastal dynamics of tropical mesotidal barrier island-spit systems: case study in Northeast Brazil


Geodiversity as an indicator to benthic habitat distribution: an integrative approach in a tropical continental shelf


Antecedent topography controls preservation of latest Pleistocene-Holocene transgression record and clinoform development: the case of the São Francisco delta (eastern Brazil)


The Santo Antônio Bank: a high-resolution seismic study of a deflected ebb-tidal delta located at the entrance of a large tropical bay, eastern Brazil


Statistical approach on mixed carbonate-siliciclastic sediments of the NE Brazilian outer shelf

