O GT2.2 (Variabilidade Espaço-Temporal da Diversidade e Estrutura Trófica do Ambiente Pelágico na Plataforma Continental) tem uma novo artigo publicado no Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (FI: 1.181) intitulado "Factors affecting the seasonal variability of planktonic shrimps (Dendrobranchiata) along an estuary–ocean gradient on the Amazon continental shelf" de autoria de Leiliane Souza da Silva, Danielle Viveiros Cavalcante-Braga, Caio Brito Lourenço, Ralf Schwamborn e Jussara Moretto Martinelli-Lemos.
Dendrobranchiata shrimp taxonomic composition and spatial and temporal distribution on the Amazon continental shelf (ACS) were investigated along a transect between the sources of the Amazon and Pará Rivers, encompassing an extension of !250 km towards the contin- ental slope. Plankton was collected with oblique trawls (200 !m mesh size), and nine taxa were found; 59.4% were larvae (mysis or decapodid stages) and 40.6% were juveniles or adults. Acetes was negatively related to chlorophyll-a and temperature, and Luciferidae were posi- tively correlated with months. This study provides novel information on the density distribu- tion of dendrobranchiate shrimps, thus helping to pave the way to characterize a large-scale, hugely relevant area that is poorly studied. As in other tropical coastal areas, there is here an increase in number of taxa with increased distance from the coast. Luciferidae, Solenoceridae and Penaeidae were the most frequent families whereas Sicyoniidae and Sergestidae had the lowest frequency of occurrence nearer the slope. Despite the low larval density of penaeid shrimps, their presence in all months and at all sampling sites along the ACS proves the importance of this area for shrimps with socioeconomic relevance, as well as its importance as a nursery and growth habitat for dendrobranchiate shrimps.
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ou solicitando diretamente a autora correspondente: Jussara Moretto Martinelli-Lemos, e-mail: jussara@ufpa.br
Ente os dias 7 e 14 de abril de 2013, as equipes do GT2.2 Variabilidade Espaço-Temporal da Diversidade e Estrutura Trófica do Ambiente Pelágico na Plataforma Continental, do inctAmbTropic, realizaram campanhas oceanográficas simultâneas ao longo de 5 transectos na região Norte e Nordeste do Brasil, entre Salvador (BA) e a Foz do Amazonas.
Distribuição dos Transectos
Pela primeira vez, foram executadas nesta região campanhas na plataforma continental de forma simultânea, com métodos padronizados. Foram feitos arrastos de plâncton com malhas de 20, 40, 64, 200, 300 e 500 micrômetros, além de perfis de CTD e ADCP, coletas de água para Clorofila a, Ph, nutrientes, alcalinidade a balanço de CO2 (DIC/Talc). Este é o inicio de um monitoramento contínuo das condições no ambiente pelágico da plataforma continental nestas áreas, que durará pelo menos 3 anos.
Aspectos do Trabalho de Campo
Aspectos do Trabalho de Campo
Aspectos do Trabalho de Campo
Os coordenadores das campanhas foram Paulo O. Mafalda Júnior (UFBA), Eliane Cavalcanti (UFAL), Ralf Schwamborn (UFPE), Paula C. A. Silveira (UFMA), e Nuno F. A. C. Melo (UFRA). O GT 2.2. (“Ambiente Pelágico”), coordenado por Sigrid Neumann Leitão (UFPE) e Ralf Schwamborn (UFPE), conta também com a colaboração de Fernando Feitosa (UFPE), Moacyr Araújo (UFPE), William Severi (UFRPE) e Jussara M.M. Lemos (UFPA), entre outros. Os resultados preliminares desta primeira campanha serão discutidos em um “workshop” a ser realizado em Recife, nos dias 23 e 24 de maio de 2013.
Atualizado: 27 de ago. de 2020
Está disponível a partir de hoje no Journal of Marine Sciences o trabalho intitulado The influence of the Mackenzie River plume on distribution and diversity of marine larval fish assemblages on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf de interesse para os GTs 1.2 – Plumas Fluviais, 2.2 – Variabilidade Espaço-Temporal da Diversidade e Estrutura Trófica do Ambiente Pelágico na Plataforma Continental e 3.3 – Recursos Vivos do Atlântico Tropical e Ilhas Oceânicas.
Delta do rio Mackenzie River – Canadá. Imagem ENVISAT/MERIS Setembro 2009. Fonte http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Science/Publications/ipy-api/index-eng.html
In the Beaufort Sea, freshwater input from the Mackenzie River creates a relatively warm and turbid plume across the coastal shelf region. To determine the influence of this plume on marine larval fish abundance, distribution, and assemblages, we sampled larval fish during July and August of 2007 using 500 μm bongo nets on transects across the plume gradient at three sampling stations per transect, along with oceanographic measurements. Three larval fish assemblages were identified within three distinct oceanographic zones: intense plume, diffuse plume and oceanic. The intense plume assemblage was dominated by Saffron cod (Eleginus gracilis) and Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii); the diffuse plume assemblage was dominated by the Pricklebacks (sub-family Lumpeninae); and the oceanic assemblage was dominated by Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida). Even though there were differences in relative abundance of particular species among these areas, no significant differences in total abundances of larval fish were found.
Referência Completa: Sally Wong, Wojciech Walkusz, Mark Hanson, Michael H. Papst. The influence of the Mackenzie River plume on distribution and diversity of marine larval fish assemblages on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf Journal of Marine Systems, Available online 16 February 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.02.004